Questions which bother me

Dear Editor,

In my last Friday’s weekly column I promised to raise questions with respect to two unrelated issues that tend to bother me, consistently. In a way this is a plea for assistance.

The first issue might be competently addressed by new PNC leader Comrade Norton. The overall question with its subsidiaries: Just who “installed” this PPP government last year? The High Court Judge? The GECOM Chairperson? The accredited Election observers from all around the world? The CARICOM observers of the recount agreed to by the then lame–duck Brigadier–President? The George-town–based international diplomats?  Secretary of State then, Mike Pompeo? Some or all of the above??

And although the PNC had monitors/scrutineers in every voting booth, did the PPP succeed in sabotaging ballot boxes in specific voting districts? Finally Comrade Aubrey by how many votes did your PNC/APNU/AFC really win the election to beat out the dreaded PPP?

At my age and stage, I’m usually somewhat scared to pose the following queries. But when I read that one man was arrested with so many, many pounds/kilos of Cocaine on the West Demerara Coast a few days ago, I couldn’t help being curious: if not in Guyana just where was all that cocaine manufactured? How did it get into Guyana? Who packaged it into the neat parcels and bricks? Who were/are the actual owner(s) of that amount of narcotics? Where was the accused going to sell or export the product? Who would purchase? Was this the first time the accused indulged in such a nefarious but lucrative enterprise? What will be his chances and fate in court?

Now on the latter issue the above are just some questions which intrigue old me. But is there any living knowledgeable Guyanese soul who would dare to enlighten me?

(Yet another befuddling question just came to mind: if the obvious known perpetrators of last Wednesday’s parliamentary outrageous disorder are not disciplined effectively, what would right-thinking, law–abiding citizens think of the House’s Speaker and Clerk? And of the status of Parliament itself?)

Kindly assist me somebody.

Yours faithfully,

Allan Arthur Fenty