I can’t blame the slave masters alone

Dear Editor,

I am not deliberately quiet, lately, on political issues and social problems plaguing Guyana. Many of us who spent decades in the fight against the evil PPP regime have become comfortable with the struggle of exposing the ills, year in and year out. It has become a sort of career for many activists, opposition social commentators and political personalities. I am not, and none of us in the fight to see a better Guyana, want be identified in a life long struggle to free Guyana from a wicked and racist cabal unless some of us enjoy the perks of popularity and relevance at the expense of the continued travails that beleaguer us.

It is my view that the strengthening of our country’s main opposition party, and the forging of genuine unity with other political parties and groups will better prepare us to finding a lasting solution to the political and other crises facing our beloved nation. Anywhere in this world where we have democracy being practiced, strong opposition parties with strong leadership have always triumphed over governments with dictatorial tendencies. It breaks my heart to see some of our very own brothers and sisters in the struggle against oppression, hypocritically working to undermine the strengthening of Guyana’s main political party and its new leadership; one that is capable of bringing an immediate halt to the excesses of a wicked regime that continues to feed off our hypocrisy, ignorance, divisions and disunity to become stronger.

It breaks my heart that some of our very own in leadership would rather undermine the solution to the struggle just to satisfy their own selfish desires. It is not the PPP that is killing this struggle, it is we ourselves. I am witnessing this with my own eyes. We tout unity and people’s power. When it is upon us we move to kill it by our own doing. It breaks my heart because many I have watched and admired in the struggle as a youngster growing up have today turned out be silent enemies to change, progress and the liberation of Black people and Guyana as a whole. I shall therefore continue this vigorous fight to see the PNC that our supporters and members want. I now know why slavery was allowed to exist for hundreds of years. I cannot blame the slave masters alone.


Norman Browne,

Political Activist