Start the conversation to bring back buses and ferry services

Dear Editor,

Public Transportation bring many benefits to individuals, communities, and the local economies. It reduces air pollution, increased fuel efficiency, reduced traffic congestion, saves money and increase mobility that leads to a healthy lifestyle. It is a safer way to travel. Yet, it is nowhere on the government’s radar. No conversation, no study, no planning – zero interest. Most countries in the world have public bus transportation system, except for Guyana. It is time to start the conversation to bring back the buses and the ferry services.

The citizens are left with shaggy, crowded and unsafe buses, often with untrained and at times drunken drivers, and flimsy, unsafe water taxis plying the rivers. There is no vision in the infrastructure discourse for Public Transportation to offer citizens a safe choice to the traffic chaos so epidemic on the roads. No vision to rehabilitate the dilapidated and unsafe water taxis terminal. At least, the colonial system had a service that benefited the people and many dream for that to come back – the frequent Ferry Service and spacious buses waiting at terminals. I remember those days! It is time to start that conversation with the people of Guyana.


Sherry Khan