Boy, 6, with rare brain tumour for US treatment

Aden Persaud
Aden Persaud

Aden Persaud, the six-year-old boy who was in need of surgery after being diagnosed with a rare brain tumour months ago, has secured his medical visa and was accepted for treatment at a Harvard-affiliated hospital in Boston, Massachusetts.

Non-governmental organisation Saving Hands Emergency Aid (SHEA) provided the update in a recent Facebook post.

“Since accepting Aden’s case one month ago, we have faced MANY challenges and endless red tapes, but we continued our advocacy on his behalf, leading to his acceptance at this top US hospital,” the organisation said in its post.

Months ago, SHEA had embarked on a fundraiser to assist Persaud with the surgery and treatment- related expenses. The amount required was US$35,000.

While the full amount has not yet been secured, SHEA said it is currently finalising some “minor” details before Persaud departs for treatment.

In a previous interview with Stabroek News, the child’s mother, Alicia Persaud, explained that he started to experience severe headaches and vomiting in 2019. 

As his condition worsened, she said she took him to the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPH), where he was evaluated by a neurology team.

In June, 2021, Persaud’s diagnosis of a Craniopharyngioma was confirmed following Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).

According to the Mayo Clinic website, a Craniopharyngioma is a rare type of brain tumour which is usually formed near the brain’s pituitary gland which secretes hormones that control many body functions.  As the tumour grows, it can affect the functioning of the pituitary gland and other nearby structures in the brain, the website added.

The following month, Alicia said a Ventriculoperitoneal shunt – a thin plastic tube that helps drain extra fluid from the brain — was installed and doctors recommended overseas treatment.

Due to the severity of Persaud’s condition, he needs immediate surgery and extensive hormone replacement therapy.

However, the advanced treatment and technology is not available here as yet. As a result, he was required to travel to the United States to have it done.

Unable to offset the cost of the procedure, Alicia approached SHEA and they accepted Persaud’s case.

Anyone willing to assist Persaud can visit or contact SHEA via Faceboook.

Donations can also be made to Demerara Bank account # 6002041325.