Do not obstruct advancement of workers’ rights

Dear Editor,

The GAWU believes it must offer a response to some elements of Mr Lincoln Lewis’ letter appearing in the February 18, 2022, edition of the Stabroek News. At the outset we must point out that we cannot speak for the Trade Union Recognition and Certification Board (TURCB) and will not address issues in that regard. However, having digested Mr. Lewis’ narrative it is hard not to conclude, from all appearances, that the long-standing unionist has taken on an anti-union stance. We ask how else one can rationalize the denunciation of a genuine workers’ organization, drawing to attention the hardships faced, and disrespect meted out to workers of our country?

The GAWU is simply disheartened to see the level Mr. Lewis has descended to as he seeks to advance his narrative that does not in any way help the workers of our country. It is for us a reckless attempt by someone who has announced themselves to be steeped in the principles of trade unionism and the struggles of the working-class. Our Union though disheartened, would urge Lincoln to join us and in his own way contribute rather than obstruct to advancement of workers’ rights. We believe our working-class deserves no less and we are confident that our efforts will bring dignity and decency to the workers of our country.

Seepaul Narine