To ensure operational continuity it may be necessary to review the termination policies of political appointments

Dear Editor,

The matter of a former REO, who is needed to answer questions and provide explanations and clarity on decisions made during his tenure, as was the focus of attention in the AG Reports, but whom it seems cannot be located, highlights the need to keep pertinent public accounting officers, perceived not to be akin to the incoming administration, employed for a while, when government changes. Too often current PSs and REOs in particular, appearing before the parliamentary oversight body cannot properly provide answers to questions posed, as they were not in charge for the period under review, is the responses offered.

While this is so, it seems no effort is made to collaborate and communicate, where possible, to provide clear and coherent responses, as was the case recently.  It is as if what went before is of no consequence and concern to current office holders. Office holders of the previous administration are viewed as political appointments who must be rid of as quickly as possible. So we end up in a quagmire as is being experienced. The policy of immediately terminating public officers not seen aligned to the incoming administration should be reviewed, to ensure smooth continuity of operations, particularly hand-over/take-over of office including documents, status updates on projects and other relevant information which can assist in providing explanations when and as required.  Of course it would be helpful if the AG Reports can be dealt with in a timelier manner.


Shamshun Mohamed