AFC incapable of finding its way to the moral high ground

Dear Editor,

I read a statement issued by the Alliance for Change on April 6th, 2022 that addressed the National Day of Fasting & Prayers. The statement opened with the following, “The Alliance for Change (AFC) endorses and supports the call for a National Day of Prayer and Fasting”, and should’ve stopped there in my view, but instead, they sought to take the moral high ground. For me and I’m sure many others, the AFC is incapable of finding the way to the moral high ground.  After polling day in the 2020 General and Regional Elections, the AFC aided, abetted, and actively participated in the most vulgar and blatant attempt to steal an election in the modern era in the western world.

The statements being made today cannot absolve them of the sins and stains left by their conduct in the 2020 elections. By their actions, they sinned against all Guyanese by suppressing and subverting, for a while, the expressed will of the people.  The stain on their individual and collective character and conscience is made with ink more indelible than that which was used by the electorate on March 2nd, 2020. The only hope for the AFC is truth, confession, and reconciliation. While this might be hard for that party and its officials, as it seems alien to their nature, now is the best time for them to try to learn.

Guyana is formally a secular country; however, our people are deeply religious. Just look around and you’ll be reminded that our populated areas are dotted with cathedrals and churches, mos-ques, temples, and other places of worship. This year, this month, heaven has afforded us an opportunity to celebrate the three great religious festivals of our people together, Ramadan, Navratri, and Lent. During these festivals, we fast to give ourselves more intensely to prayer. We seek to make ourselves right with God to also do right by men. I, therefore, urge the AFC leadership to cease their empty, deceptive, and dishonest criticism and to give themselves to fasting and prayer. To confess their sins of suppression, injustice, and fraud and to ask for forgiveness, while having the humility to reconcile with the people of this country who were denied justice for the five months during which democracy was held captive.


(Name and Address Provided)