My apologies to Mr. Yarde

Dear Editor,

I refer to Miss Indira Thakurdin’s letter published on Sunday, May 8th 2022 in the edition of the Kaieteur News, under the caption “Head of `apolitical’ GPSU did not attend President Ali’s Labor Day Breakfast”.

I stand corrected that the GPSU President/CEO did not attend the Labour Day Breakfast hosted by President Ali for union leaders. In my letter on the May Day March (held by the Guyana Trades Union Congress) published in the Stabroek News I inadvertently claimed that the GPSU head attended the event. The error resulted from reading the press release on the phone. I apologized to Mr. Patrick Yarde and accepted that the release indicated that representatives of the union attended.

I also appreciate the union’s explanation that its non participation in the Labour Day March was due to the Covid-19 pandemic. I will concede that decision is understandable given the persistence of the pandemic. I also add that in the context of divisions in the Labour Movement, it was prudent and responsible that the GPSU leadership did not make public before the event their decision not to participate due to the pandemic. Had the union done so, it ran the risk of being misunderstood.

I assured Mr. Patrick Yarde and the GPSU that all editors of the newspapers that published my offending claim will receive this letter.

Again, my apology to Mr. Yarde.  

Yours sincerely,

Tacuma Ogunseye.