Alexis Boucher named new Campus Crusade for Christ Guyana team leader

Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC) Guyana has announced the appointment of Alexis Boucher as its new National Team Leader with effect from February 7, 2022.

In a press release, CCC Guyana said Boucher was commissioned and installed by the CCC Regional Vice President for Latin America and the Caribbean Oliver Marin and his team at a hybrid event originating in Costa Rica and Trinidad via the Zoom platform together with an in-person gathering at the South Road Full Gospel Assembly auditorium.

The release said Boucher received the baton of leadership from Rev. Joseph Johnson, who with his wife, Doreen, served as National Director for the past 40 years. The release said although they are no longer leading the ministry, they both still serve with CCC and are helping Boucher during this transition phase.

“Mrs. Boucher brings to this new assignment a wealth of leadership experience, having been actively involved in the ministry of CCC since her student days at the University of Guyana (1993-1997) and serving in different capacities as a full-time missionary staff worker, including being the Campus Director, a position she held for over 20 years,” the release said.