Do not permit export of baby Bangamary

Dear Editor,

I am writing in regard to the issue: depleting fishing stocks. There has been some speculation as to the reasons for the decline in the volume of fish caught. Some postulate that the cause of depleted fishing stocks is oil exploration while others say overfishing. While I do not believe the former, unless I see empirical evidence, I think the latter reason has justification. However, I want to bring to the attention of the Guyana government, Minister of Fisheries, another reason. In Canada and the United States, almost every West Indian store carries baby Bangamary, a Guyanese delicacy. The problem, however, is that if you catch baby Bangamary, obviously there will be less mature female Bangamary to give birth to new Bangamary, hence less Bangamary. Why are the authorities allowing the export of baby Bangamary? There should be an immediate ban on this practice. It is cruel and makes no sense, whatsoever, in the name of preservation, of Bangamary stocks.

Yours faithfully,

Ganesh Harilal