Guyana must be careful what it copies

Dear Editor,

A Newsroom report, complete with two men kissing, was headlined, “Fresh calls for repeal of anti-gay laws in Guyana” following a decision in Antigua and Barbuda that says buggery/sodomy is OK. Guyanese on the blogs are livid and adamant that Guyana should not go down that road to decriminalize buggery/sodomy. They say “human wrongs cannot be human rights.” The politicians need to take note. I would like to share examples of what’s happening in the USA and has happened in western and European countries who seem determined to make sure Africa, South America, the Caribbean, and Asia adopt the ways of the western sexual deviance movement (SDM). Recently, there was a letter in the local newspapers by Brian Nichols, Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs at the US Department of State, regaling us about “The Pride Flag.” In commemoration of Pride Month globally, the US Embassy in Georgetown illuminated its walls in colours of the rainbow to honour the “human rights” of LGBTQI+ persons in Guyana. The embassy also raised the rainbow Pride Flag, which was flown below the US flag on the flagpole throughout the month of June.

President Granger had advised that we must be careful what we copy. Jagan and Burnham had said the same thing too. The ABC/EU countries and the UN are pressuring countries to reject traditional values about marriage and the family, and adopt the vulgar, decadent practices of what was called “alternative lifestyles.” The SDM started as a “tolerance” movement.  Please show tolerance for our lifestyles they say, but recently, it has become a movement in the USA seeking to position and flaunt itself as the mainstream norm. The SDM hold marches, boycotts, and aggressive campaigns against businesses who don’t support LGBTQIA. It campaigns against nominees for top positions in Government or private sector, and they hound anyone who has made traditional pro-family values remarks perceived as anti-gay. They pounce on you and call you a “hater” if you express your viewpoints. They try to shut you down.  They do “in-your-face” activities, and now they have added “+” to their name to include any other new deviances they come up with. By the time they are done, they would have all the letters of the alphabet there. The SDM has taken Christian vendors to court to compel them to bake wedding cakes for same sex marriages, etc. They use lawsuits to against persons who want to act in accordance with their religious conscience. In schools, they are teaching young children that not because you have boy parts you are a boy, and not because you have girl parts you are a girl. They want boys with boy parts to use the girls’ bathroom because the boy says he identifies as a girl. Same for sports. They say gender is a sliding scale or continuum and you can choose whether you want to be a boy or girl or whatever. This is a confusing doctrine confusing to children.

This overreaching by an aggressive group seeking to overturn and replace the old values to become the new dominant values, has been allowed to cross the line too far. In Florida, a new House Bill bans “instruction” about sexual orientation or gender identity “in kindergarten through grade 3.” Five other states – all of them in the US South – have enacted laws that limit instruction or discussions about LGBTQ people or issues in school, and at least 32 others have proposed such measures this year. Schools have now become the battleground as the SDM wants schools to indoctrinate young children, and to elevate LGBTQ to the highest priority issue. As Guyanese bloggers have said, our poor destitute country is struggling with ecstasy, marijuana and cocaine entering our schools. Easy access to pornography on the internet is messing with the minds of our teens. Guyana does not have resources to provide counseling for mental health issues, and the accompanying consequences of departing from traditional values and embracing new sexual deviance notions being forced on our third world societies led by western countries. Now is the time for all those self-appointed Chief Bishops, Chief Apostles, bishops, apostles, prophets, and church members to take a stand and resist any attempts of our government to kowtow to diktat from any quarter. The Ministry of Education must never be allowed to indoctrinate our children about SDM, and we must ban the promotion of SDM in our media, such as the Newsroom picture. That’s bad for our country! President Clinton had gotten it right – “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”


Dr. Jerry Jailall