GuySuCo gets drone to assist in controlling plant disease

GuyDrones on Friday donated a drone to GuySuCo to assist the corporation to identify and control sugarcane plant diseases.

At a handing over ceremony at GuySuCo’s aircraft hangar at Ogle, ECD, Chief Executive Officer of GuySuCo, Sasenarine Singh thanked GuyDrones for the donation and noted that the drone and its technology will go a long way to assist GuySuCo to secure the health of the sugarcane plants. According to Singh, the drone will take pictures of the sugarcane leaves; these will be analysed by GuySuCo’s plant scientists who will then be able to determine the presence and type of disease and overall, the health status of the plants. Singh reminded the gathering that this technology is currently in use by local rice farmers, but admitted that there is indeed “some catching up to do”.

GuyDrones CEO, Rani Rama said that the company was looking forward “to supporting GuySuCo in achieving efficient production using drone technology.” She added that drone technology has been proven to be successful in other countries and GuyDrones would like to assist GuySuCo to achieve their goals. GuyDrone’s CEO said that drone technology can also be useful in certain extreme weather conditions.

Transforming the sugar industry with the company’s drone technology and GuySuCo skills is possible, said GuyDrones Vice President of Operations, Ershad Mohamed. He also reiterated GuySuCo’s CEO statement regarding plant disease controls. Meanwhile, Singh explained that in order to transform the sugar sector the company has to think, act and operate like global leaders in agriculture.  GuySuCo has to be the trendsetters in the agricultural world, Singh said.

A Memorandum of Understanding [MoU] was also signed between the two companies to solidify the partnership and outline future training opportunities.