Allow fair selection of north Sophia Community Development Council

Dear Editor, 

Please permit me space to  address  both the issue of the selection of the CDC in north Sophia as well as an appeal to the Hon. Nigel  Dharmlall, Minister of  Local Government to allow a fair selection of who the CDC representatives are  in communities where these active groups are. 

 The CDC,  as it suggests is a community development council   whose aim is to primarily offer services that aid in community development and enhancement,  as such  influential  and standing members,  should be considered  in leadership and decision making policies  since they are the ones who are  aware of the community needs as well as the ones who will positively impact and have cooperation from the populace within  the demographic. 

Recently   two members   of  our community were  contacted by representatives from within the local government ministry and informed about a meeting scheduled  to discuss community development strategies and a way forward  for the area. 

A time of 17:00 hours  was given for such meeting. Representatives turned up and were told that the meeting had already happened. 

Now we are not saying  that it is  politics at play   but  that’s exactly what  conclusion many have  decided to settle with since none can understand the reason of same. 

Therefore here are my questions:

Why inform us  of a meeting, and show up  two hours earlier to conduct same? 

Was it intentional so that the CDC will now be formed by  individuals  the authority feels is best suited  and  the defence of  “no one showed up” would be the excuse/ justification for this act . 

 If full cooperation /working together for one  Guyana is the mantra of our leaders why alienate the people from their own project? 

We know employment is germane  to the youth population, we know of the underprivileged  situation of many within our community. Wouldn’t it be best to let them labour and earn honestly instead of pondering about their next meal or avenue of providing?  

Editor, don’t you agree that no one but the community will best be able to take care of the community,   there is a  saying “only the man who lives in his house knows where the leaks are”, when put into context can we not say the same about where we live?

So before any decision is made on the way forward with any CDC, especially the one within North  Sophia,  I’m pleading for   good sense and conscience to prevail, and I’m asking our vibrant and passionate Minister, to rethink the strategies,  consider our pleas and engage us directly in dialogue  so collaboratively we will  can  achieve the One Guyana. 


(Name and address supplied)