The missing element to upgrade Guyana’s healthcare standards is a functional and independent regulatory authority

Dear Editor,

The IDB healthcare survey and report is just another revelation of our low healthcare standards. The missing element to upgrade our healthcare standards is a functional and independent National Healthcare Regulatory Authority (NHRA). Such a body will, by authority, set the standards for the various areas of healthcare and will undertake periodic assessments of the medical, clinical, nursing, facilities, and environment of care standards at various institutions. These institutions will include hospitals, health centers, prisons, lockups, schools, industries etc.

There were indications that many lapses and deficiencies, cited in the IDB healthcare report and survey, existed for a very long time.  A functional NHRA would have highlighted those lapses and deficiencies during its periodic surveys and would have demanded a plan of corrective action be implemented. Failure to implement a plan of corrective action could expose the erring institution to serious legal, financial, and operational consequences.  The system works for Government institutions as well.  I can attest that healthcare and other institutions in the USA respond very seriously to regulatory surveys. The administrators exceed the call of regular duties multiple folds to ensure their institutions’ compliance.

These hospital administrators and heads of institutions are aware that their reputation and the reputation of their institutions can suffer ignobly should they be found wanting from a regulatory survey. We, in Guyana, need to develop this type of mindset to take a prominent place in the healthcare world. Moreso, the influx of non-nationals working in the oil, gas and related industries can earn us tremendous benefits should we provide them quality healthcare.

Abraham David