Alleged improprieties must not be swept under the carpet

Dear Editor

African Guyanese have been in a terrible economic state in Guyana for a very long time. They were that way under all governments but worse off under PPP governments. Let me state from the outset that I despise the PPP and if it has anything to do with me, they will be removed from government at the next elections. However, the PPP has levelled allegations against an African Guyanese organisation I had never heard of; and I am around for quite a while. The PPP is claiming that millions were given to that organisation to further the cause of African Guyanese people and nothing was done and the monies cannot be accounted for at this present time.

Suffice it to say that the PPP’s hypocrisy is glaringly on display. They continue to shy away from investigating Mr. Jagdeo and their own corrupt practices. However, the issue at hand regarding the African Guyanese organisation alleged improprieties must not be swept under the carpet and African Guyanese people must demand clarification and answers. In some ways I can understand but not accept the position of the PPP. I understand they do not care about the economic situation of African Guyanese. What I will not accept or even try to understand is our own leaders who are consciously aware of our plight, seeking to take anything away from us. We are known to do terrible things to our own people and the younger generation must be intolerant to such.

I could care less about the Culture Minister’s call in this regard but I expect our African Guyanese leaders being crystal clear about the allegations and providing proof of where the millions went. This is an issue that all of us in the African Guyanese struggle must pay close attention to thus ensuring we arrive at the truth.


Norman Browne

Social and Political Activist