GECOM agrees to extension of claims by seven days

Hours after it announced that no decision had been made as it relates to an extension of the ongoing claims period, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) subsequently said that the process would now be lengthened by seven days.

It noted that the extension is to afford eligible persons further opportunities to participate in the process. In this regard, persons who are desirous of making a claim to be included in the Official List of Electors (OLE) have until Wednesday, 21st September 2022 to do so. Similarly, persons who intend to object to the inclusion of names in the OLE have until Sunday, 25th September to submit their objection(s), a statement from GECOM noted.

The Commission also reminded that persons who were never previously registered can make a claim, provided that he/she is a Guyanese citizen by birth, descent, or naturalization, or is a citizen from a Commonwealth country living in Guyana for one year or more and will be 18 years and older by 31st October 2022. All eligible persons who intend to make a Claim are required to visit the GECOM Registration Office responsible for their area of residence with the applicable source document(s) such as original Birth Certificate, valid Passport, Adoption Certificate, or Naturalization Certificate / Certificate of Registration to be registered.

Existing registrants are also advised to check the Preliminary List of Electors (PLE) posted at two  prominent buildings in their respective Electoral Division / Sub Division, at the Registration Office responsible for their areas of residence, at GECOM’s Head Office, or on GECOM’s website at to verify the accuracy of their registration information.

Persons who are required to update their registration records such as changes or corrections to their names and occupation, or to apply for a transfer in relation to their addresses are advised that those transactions would also be facilitated during this exercise. The relevant source documents such as an original Marriage Certificate, Deed Poll with Birth Certifi-cate, or a new Birth Certificate reflecting the changes must be presented in the case of an application for a change or correction.

Initially, GECOM had said that the claims period would expire on September 11, 2022, but the opposition APNU+AFC requested an extension of that date citing a poor public information campaign. At Tuesday’s statutory meeting of the Commission, the government Commis-sioners and Chair retired Justice Claudette Singh voted against an immediate extension and instead the PPP/C was written to for a no objection.

Later yesterday, GECOM announced the extension.

Further, objections against the inclusion of names in the PLE can be tendered to the Registration Officer of the Registration Area. Objection(s) can be submitted by an Elector who is listed in the same Division list / Sub Division list in which the person being objected to is listed. Objections can also be made by approved Scrutineers of Political Parties provided that any such Scrutineer has monitoring responsibilities for the Division / Sub Division in which the person being objected to is listed.

The relevant document(s) such as an original Death Certificate must be presented at the time of the hearing to support the basis upon which the objection is made.

In view of the foregoing, the Commission is urging all eligible persons to use this extension to ensure that they are registered for inclusion in the Revised List of Electors (RLE) and ultimately the Official List of Electors (OLE) as it is a prerequisite to be eligible to vote. Persons are also encouraged to object to the inclusion of the name of any person whom they believe should not be on the list, based on the legal provisions.

For more information and clarification, persons can visit GECOM’s website at or call 225-0277-9 / 223-9653.