High level of misconduct by Charrandass Persaud

Dear Editor,

It was completely appalling to see such a high level of misconduct by High Commissioner Charrandass Persaud during his assignment in India. I watched the video in disbelief that this was taking place. More stunning is the lack of response on the part of the government when the matter occurred over a year ago. Persaud should have made the government immediately aware of the situation so that they could have dealt with it in a timely manner. If they were aware and chose not to do anything then that is another matter, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would have to be held accountable for.

At the end of the day His Excellency did make the correct call. This sort of misconduct should never occur in the future and those appointed to such a post should be shown this video as part of their training as to what not to do when in a confrontation while representing their country. There is obviously a training gap in the national diplomatic corps and amongst the government appointed executives. Persaud’s behaviour does remind me of some other high-profile appointees whose behaviour has resulted in a similar cry for change. There is room for significant improvement.

With concern,

Jamil Changlee


The Cooperative Republicans of
