Worse things happened during Burnham’s reign, but I do not believe any lawyer was ever locked up

Dear Editor,

I refer to the unprecedented action of the police in locking up an attorney for advising a client against the wishes of the said police officer. Now this is unprecedented. I do not believe this happened to any lawyer during the worst of the Burnham regime. It is not that much worse things did not happen during Burnham’s reign, but I do not believe any lawyer was ever locked up and placed in a room or cell or deprived of their liberty even for one minute. The Attorney General calls this water under the bridge. Well, he is surely divorced from reality and living in an unreal world.

This is a pattern where certain people believe the law does not apply to them and where certain police officers believe that they can do anything because there are pliant and malleable senior officers in addition to political cover. I give a few examples: No one has been held accountable for the killing of young Ryan Persaud. Word is, he was shot by the Prince – who was joy-sailing in the Demerara River. No one has been held accountable for the killing of ‘Paper Shorts’. A murder that happened in broad nightlight. Like the elections commission computer, the CCTV cameras at the location that Paper Shorts exited was also wiped clean. No explanation has been forthcoming from the owner of that establishment.

A very senior Ministry of Finance official killed a young teacher, Nathaniel Ledra on the Corentyne highway and nothing has come out of it. The big wig from the ministry had just left a party. Was he breathalysed? A young man was killed a few nights ago on the Logwood Public Road by a speeding ministry vehicle. The point I’m making, Editor, is that law and order has broken down and the police force is demoralized. The Government is playing politics with everything, including the police force.


Derek Ramlochan