Race of champions VVIP service was a nightmare

Dear Editor,

I write to express my disgust at the VVIP section of the recently concluded race of champions at the South Dakota circuit. The VVIP was organised and executed by a named organizing entity and patrons were charged $150 USD per person to enter the facility of the old clubhouse and two additional pre-fab tent-like areas adjoining the clubhouse for a VVIP experience. It was a nightmare to say the least!

My horror experiences started when we arrived to discover that all the tables were occupied by the few patrons that were already in the area. No chairs were available. When I inquired from the wait staff about getting just one chair for my senior citizen uncle, I was told that that’s all that was allocated for the VVIP. Later in the afternoon, some folded white chairs were brought in, and some relief was sorted out.

The organising entity advertised unlimited drinks and food! So naturally patrons left their catering home and came expecting what was advertised. The drinks were another issue as only Banks beer were available. The drinks menu left much to be desired as there wasn’t a wide variety available. The milkshake I asked for was never given even as I repeatedly asked for an update.

The food was terrible. Not only did the cutters’ stank but the whole organisation of the only food area was in shambles as there was only one food table allocated in the main clubhouse. To start off, folks had to leave the tents to traverse the packed clubhouse to get food. It was chaos navigating the crowd with your plate of food. Notably, the food ran out as there was a mad dash only to be told that the food was finished, and the next available catering is at 6pm.

This of course is way after the races were concluded and patrons are trying to leave for Georgetown. I guess they did not cater for the number of tickets sold. Both the clubhouse and the two prefab tents were filled to capacity. They did not cater for kids as my in-law’s kids had to eat the shabby cheese straws and the smelly sausage cocktail on offer.

I don’t know how it happened, but every time I had to leave the prefab tent to go to the clubhouse, I was intercepted by young kids and their parents who were begging for money and food. I inquired how they got in this VVIP area, and one of the kids told me he lives in the area and there is a special hole in the fence where he entered. They were annoying as they often came to the prefab tent to beg for money and food.

The organisers need to do a better job of understanding what VVIP all is about. I have been to VVIP events in Barbados and Trinidad that cost the same price and the experience was of a high standard. The next event organisers should be vetted for their experience in handling such a prestigious event. They were quite a number of overseas guests that were not impressed with the level of service and associated catering.

The organizing entity needs to get their act together when hosting another VVIP event and understand the meaning of VVIP.


(Name and Address Provided)