Corporal punishment is indefensible

Dear Editor,

Like Mr Boodram, in his letter (SN November 29, 2023), I too find ‘rather astounding,’ the proposal that Guyanese be ‘consulted’ on whether our children should be subjected to ‘corporal punishment.’ A similar exercise here, years ago, found even participating children ‘consenting’ to the notion of beating them. And we wonder why there are such high levels of violence in our country!

It should be clear by now that the result of justifying the resort to violence against children is raising generations whose first, second, and third response to a range of situations, is violence.

What is not clear, is why people need to be told that hurting children, their own children and those of others, is unconscionable, undefendable, unkind, and offensive. Adult-to-adult violence is already an offence under our laws; but adult-to-child violence is okay or righteous or consultable?

Hand-washing and mask-wearing instructions reduced coronavirus infection levels. Perhaps, instructions on child-safety, the importance of understanding how past and present experiences shape our future, and the benefits of kindness may prove useful for our public health and wellness.


Bonita Harris