Steel door not yet installed at Cowan St koker – Deputy Mayor

The Mayor and City Council, along with its engineering team in collaboration with the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) are still working to have the Cowan Street, Kingston, wooden sluice door replaced with a steel plate door.

Alfred Mentore, Deputy Mayor of Georgetown, told Stabroek News yesterday that the emergency door comprised of stop logs is still being used as the temporary sluice door. He added that the team is still working to have the new steel plate door completed. However Mentore noted that currently the pump and the Cowan Street koker are in working condition.

Meanwhile, NDIA Chairman, Lionel Wordsworth, told Stabroek News yesterday that work is still ongoing by the team to have the steel-plate door completed. He reiterated that currently stop logs are still being used to replace the wooden door until the new door is completed. He assured that the current system in place is not affecting drainage since the pump and koker are in good working condition.