Western Union told me I could not collect US$200 since as a former MP I am a Politically Exposed Person

Dear Editor,

Western Union may be misusing sections 15 to 20 especially section 15 (4) (d) of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Act in relation to former MPs.

From 2/12/ 2022 to 9/ 12/2022, I have felt as if I am being politically discriminated against running up and down to pick up 200 US dollars that a good friend, a distinguished gentleman sent for me to help with a children’s Christmas party in the village of Yarrowkabra on the 18/12/2022.

What I know is my recorded transactions to and forth between families and friends over the years, with Western Union, are unblemished. Editor, over the years, I used Western Union, to send and receive small amounts of money, but not often, on 2/12/ 2022, I visited Western Union at the Medicare Drugs Store, to send 100 US to my daughter, which went through just like when I sent or received money in the past. While at Western Union I decided to uplift the $200 US which had been sent to me the day before.

Editor, I was taken aback when I was told that I cannot receive the US$200  because I am a politically exposed person as a former member of Parliament. This drove fear in me that if I continue to be a politician I would not be able to send money to my children and family or receive from families and friend because I am a target because I am politician, I see this as a violation of my fundamental right to political affiliation.

Editor as a citizen of Guyana any regulations in place must be fair for every citizen, you should not profile some citizens differently from others unless they did some things wrong, this will be political discrimination.

While I fully understand the law is to prevent money laundering and I don’t have a problem with that, the provision is for large sums and regular senders to be investigated, but when a person who hardly does any transactions, and if he does the amount is small, it doesn’t raise a red flag, so if you blocked them something is wrong.

The present regulations can be used to oppress small political groups and drive young persons away from politics because of the fear that they will be a target if they receive or send money from friends and family. 

My records over the years that Western Union has can show you clearly that I am not indulging in any money laundering, so why treat me in this manner.  Western Union has destroyed all the Christmas plans I had for the children and senior citizens of Yarrowkabra because it forces me not to ask families or friends for any help, because it may cause a problem, not just for me maybe for them too.

Yours faithfully,

Michael Carrington 

Former MP