Why should any government be racist?

A PNC budget vs a “disposable-income” budget

“How are you?” Who cares?

I’m promising myself – and you-all too dear readers – that I’ll avoid our local race-based issues for some time. After today.

But as I remarked herein very recently, some political opposition parties, as well as certain other professional pro-opposition individuals and groups find it convenient – too often – to beat the drums of racism when little else is available to them to remain effectively relevant.

I ask: would the current PPP government be so transparently stupid and arrogant enough to want to replace the Mocha squatters with “their own” on the sides of the new highway? Or will “their own” be allowed to build an enterprise on the site of the burnt-out, historic Christ Church school? But I digress from my lead caption – if only slightly.

Frankly speaking, the defenders of the defiant minority Mocha squatters sounded so hollow as they pursued racist, socio political “defence” and “representation” of the few stubborn squatters. Did they not appreciate the government’s positive engagement over past months? Do they really not know what their own coalition female junior minister once advised the squatters?

As I always remind: it is acceptable human nature to prefer your own – family, church-comrades, party comrades, ethnic group. Comfort and joy and satisfaction often reside in your choices. That’s not racism!

Racism enters when one racial group is discriminated against by an authority – even one individual or group – in a formal or institutionalised effort. Of course these are individuals who are fashioned to be racist from young. Even by certain cultural behaviours. (Incidentally, racists won’t ever appreciate my hoped-for publication: “The African human race”. Ho-ho-ho…) and exclusion based on just race is repugnant.

Does a political party – or its government – need to use race as part of some agenda? Here in Guyana in 2023? Why? To guarantee votes and sustained power? As I ask that you ponder all that, I leave the usual for your homework: could any of our two major parties secure electoral victory solely on the race vote these days? And is it possible for any Guyana Government to secure significant “cross-over votes” – as well as long-term national goodwill and support – by being obviously even–handed? Equitable in all its governance? Discuss…


 The opposition and “disposable income” budgets

Wearily, but knowingly I smiled as the Finance Budget Minister quantified the various monetary increases, along with tax-relief measures, during his Monday Marathon Budget Presentation.

Millions, nay billions, will be available annually to the beneficiaries – and the wider market of course – as a result of Minister Singh’s government’s people-oriented generosity. There are statistics – and reality. Too often the added “disposable income” is easily “disposed”

Frankly speaking, I usually never join the budget man-in-the street debates so early after its delivery. If the parliamentary opposition feels like, we are bound to be assailed from Monday. I am not that qualified. Except to expect that Comrade Norton’s opposition will assist me to recognise the weaknesses/short-comings of these 2023 estimates. How is this budget anti-poverty or not delivering immediate relief to the most vulnerable? Please, please – tell me of the advantages of a Winston Jordan coalition budget (2016-2021) that this year’s blueprint lacks.

(For example, will hundreds benefit from the Private Sector’s India visit with his Excellency? How do we assess community improvement from Budget ‘23?)


 “How are you” – I really care (?)

 This is just to activate – even irritate – your life-long social fancy.

One of my own long-lasting idiosyncrasies has to do with a strange personal dislike for the usual traditional greeting and query – “how are you”. Somehow I never use it. I’m funny/queer/weird? To me it’s so clichéd, meaningless. Everyone responds, “Five thank you”. Or nowadays “I’m good you know”. Most times not accurate nor sincere.

I was told that in earlier Britain, the greeting “howdy-do” (how are thee doing?) was meant with a response that was the same! “Howdy do”.

No sincerity. No real caring. Right?



 ●            1)  “Race” in good ole Guyana. Our Constitution (Arts, 34, 149 etc.) warns against racism but prejudice is nurtured in the hearts and soul of some.

●             2)  ACDA behaves responsibly in its representation of Afro-Guyanese “causes”; will the government ever sit with Mr. Alexander’s IDPADA-G?

●             3)  Again I ask: if I’ve been squatting on some reserve illegally for years, am I entitled to some state lots? Whilst others still pay their rents?

●             4)  Thanks minister Ashni for the $5000.00 increase on my old age pension. (Expected $7000 to $10,000 more as there are not too many of us; but thanks)

●             5)  This world of rights “to bear arms” – a six-year old in Virginia U.S.A recently shot his teacher!!

`Til next week.
