Some pavements are a dark hole and danger lurks

Dear Editor,

One cannot know the anger I felt when I looked at the latest video of the two men choking and robbing another male on the pavement.

The brutal force that was used on the man could be seen as he was left lying helpless on the pave before he went into what I consider a seizure. This, the second video surfacing of people being choked and robbed within weeks, but swift action by the authorities resulted in the culprit in the first video being tracked down to his residence on the West Bank of Demerara and being arrested. I anxiously await to hear similar news of the other two despicable persons being removed from society.

Editor, watching the video, you could see two other persons scrambling for cover as the scene unfolded and I’m presuming that they are vendors. As it stands today, the vendors are being allowed to crowd both sides of the pavement and overhead with their stuff they selling, thus, there’s hardly any place for commuters to traverse peacefully. In addition, most places becomes a bottleneck, blocking vision from any direction, in other word, a dark hole you are walking through, which makes it extremely easy for anyone to be robbed, unknown to anyone around. Can you imagine a place that you’re supposed to walk freely, you have to walk in fear?


Sahadeo Bates