The right of citizens to speak up and protest

Dear Editor,

We share the pain of the passing of Snr. Superintendent Edmond Cooper, a fine Officer, well trained and driven by the lofty principles of a good Police Officer.

The news of the sad passing and expected funeral service on Friday February 10, 2023 comes  in the wake of a strong statement from the Acting Commissioner of Police telling citizens that there will be zero-tolerance if they protest. This I believe is the same police high command that requested the late Cooper to use bullets against protesters in West Berbice. You know the rest of the story. He was removed from that command.

Dear Editor, let us use the passing of Cooper and his funeral service to tell every member of the Police Force that their Motto is service and protection. But what is the police high command talking about?

Protest by citizens has resulted in change for the better, as they sought to resist the brutality of the police and other enforcement agencies from time in memorial. 

History is full of such examples. The best known for us is the Netherlands-1585, England-1642, America-1776, Russia-1905 etc.

Let us hope that as we say farewell to our Brother that we have an administration that recognizes the right of citizens to speak up and protest when they perceive wrong things are being done.

Yours faithfully,

Eric Moseley, MS