What is the gov’t doing to promote Arts, Sports and Culture?

Dear Editor,

I have a mental health disability called schizoaffective disorder. At first, I was in denial about the condition but have now learned to live with it. I get a once a month injection and take tablets daily to manage my mental health. On the medication, I can live a full life which I think I am doing as I don’t seem to have enough time to do the things I enjoy.

My main “hobby” is clubbing (I like to dance which I am not very good at so I have taken up salsa and bachata dancing). I also enjoy Pub Quiz and listening to music which I can understand the words – I like R&B and Pop music. I do listen to Indian music sometimes; I don’t like Rap as the music is too fast for me to understand the words. I play chess and like doing a puzzle as well. And, I do some yoga.

The point in writing this letter is not to brag about myself but to point out that in the UK I can do these things. And, to ask what is the Government of Guyana doing to promote Arts, Sports and Culture in Guyana aside from the odd music/dance show which at time citizens complain of descending into vulgarity? Is there a holistic plan to develop local Arts, Sport and Culture in Guyana?

Every town and village need Arts, Sports and Culture outlets classed as entertainment centres and not just rum venues where binge drinking takes place. Before, Guyana did not have the money. But this is not an excuse anymore.


Sean Ori