Squatting and violence continue to plague Good Hope

Dear Editor,

The issues of squatting and violence continue to plague Good Hope, ECD. It seems like these criminal acts are being condoned by the authorities. While law-abiding, tax-paying citizens are being forced to live in fear, squatters continue to take over all the free spaces including government reserves in this village.

Editor, I understand the issue of squatting is a complex one, which is due to economic issues, such as poverty and inequality, but it seems that more and more persons are now taking advantage of the Government’s sympathetic handling of squatting while legal landowners’ rights and protection are being destroyed due to illegal activities.

  I am appealing to the relevant authorities to investigate this area and help us curb this criminal activity, and avoid more killings and robberies especially with a new secondary school that is earmarked to open in September 2023.

Finally, I appeal to all squatters to seek peaceful and legal means of addressing your housing issues.

Yours faithfully,

(Name and address supplied)