That was a mob at the Mon Repos market

Dear Editor,

I write with reference to Mr Ogunseye’s letter titled `A deliberate attempt to criminalize African protest’ in SN of February 23rd. 

A so-called peaceful protest coming down the road from Golden Grove, reached the Mon Repos market – and then what? It turned into a flash mob.

It definitely was not a peaceful protest. It was a terrorist mob!!

The vendors had to run for their lives. Many were beaten. Their produce/merchandise stolen. Shouldn’t the members of that mob be arrested and charged? Mr Ogunseye will lose all credibility as an Activist/Writer.

In this letter he went overboard.  He has accused law enforcement and GPF of “criminalizing protest”. Yet further, he called it “Criminalizing African protest”.

It is not supposed to be an “African protest”. Period. It is supposed to be a group of citizens protesting the alleged unlawful killing of a citizen by police. How did that event become an African protest?

Mr Ogunseye, if you want to be perceived as an Activist/Writer of some repute, you’ve got to support Law Enforcement on this one. That was a mob at the Mon Repos market. Decent citizens everywhere must condemn those who organized that protest – or lost control of the protesters – and allowed them to become a mob.

Yours faithfully,

Mike Persaud