Make the future brighter for those who will come after

Dear Editor,

I wish to express my thoughts, through the below writings, to you and your readers with a sense of hopefulness that we would examine ourselves and conduct in the world around us. My intention is to shed a ray of light on some areas that have threatened our lives as human-beings and put our future at risk. Considering the above, it must be stressed that we are living in a world that has changed much. Every day we see increase in crime and violence, murders and deaths, critical accidents, broken relationships and indiscipline youths. The decline in moral values and standards have ravaged our society with every one fighting to be seen and heard, for this dominance to be on top, in control with authority. The world as we know it, for me, is spinning out of control. I hope to the heavens that there are a few true sane people left.

Politics in economies have become the new crime as politicians manipulate their power and role to distort communities and citizens. Migrants are fighting to move into new lands, territories and borders for a better future. Nations rising against each other; battling to take over more land, wealth and prosperity to somewhat gain more power by sacrificing the livelihood of their innocent people and the shedding of blood. It’s as if man has gone wild and the dust of chaos is moving through every land. How do we escape this madness? Everyone wants to do as he/she pleases without wanting to be confronted for his/her wrong actions. The dream for a fast life has many going to all means in corruption just to attain richness. No one believes in hard work anymore. No one wants to be faithful and fight for what’s right anymore, as long as they feel good and have delightful and glorious fun.

On the other hand, while we are fighting and destroying each other, the earth looks on as she tries to grapple with the effects and impacts of climate change. There are larger problems to be dealt with that requires urgent resolutions, but we are so taken back by our own selfish gains and ambitions, that we have become numb to the more serious conflicts around us that need our attention. We have become constructive time wasters and idlers instead of spending our days and time meaningfully, using every opportunity for goodwill or self-development. The message of negativity is being spread/shared faster than positivity, and the truth turned upside down. No one cares about being good and kind anymore. We have turned the world into a man-made hell. Some of the great and educated use education as weapons against the weak and ignorant. The rich bully the poor and those who stand up for justice are treated as outcast.

What a world and time we live in! Where did truth go? What have we done to our lives? The stain of blood is everywhere – on window shields, painted walls and newly built streets. We kill and kill, and take and take, and still continue to fight for more. We are the generation that is self-indulgent and glutton for more; overtaken by our desire to consume more and never satisfied. Today, we stand and watch as lives are destroyed in front of our eyes, no one renders a helping hand anymore. Our phones have become our gods and priceless assets than the value of people in our lives. What does our future look like? Based on our current state, I wonder if goodness and kind hearts will even exist in our days ahead.

We are losing the war within ourselves more than ever and robbing the world of its light. We have allowed so many things to run rampant in our families and personal lives that we have become tangled by the very weeds that we have created; putting our own selves at risk.

Altogether and all the while we are destroying our planet and selves.If we don’t change now, we will live with many unfortunate regrets that the generations that come after us may have to face. Let us leave a legacy that history will remember and make the future brighter for those who will come after we would have gone. Leave your mark upon the world. Don’t leave the world the same way that you found it. Add to it, add your voice, your love, your skill, etc. Shine without being afraid. Therefore, in a world that is lost and caught up in a whirlwind, hold your ground and remain firm.


Imran Bacchus