Sheridan Dyal’s Teen Hustle

Sheridan Dyal
Sheridan Dyal

For all her unshakable focus on her academic pursuits, Queen’s College Sixth Form Student Sheridan Dyal is not indifferent to the entrepreneurial opportunities that are open to her even before her days of tying the knot on her QC tie finally come to an end. The seventeen year-old Sixth former who, in 2022, was named the Top Performing Science Student at the CSEC examinations, is the Proprietor of Teen Hustle, an establishment that seeks to respond to the wide variety that shapes the taste of the fashion conscious……….necklaces, ear rings, bracelets, rings and anklets, the kinds of acquisitions that are ‘a rave’   amongst the young and the tasteful.

Mindful that readers of her story not conclude that the budding scientist might have visions of ‘graduating’ into the world of entrepreneurship, Sheridan seeks to make the point that Teen Hustle is an excursion into entrepreneurship designed to help accumulate the resources that will be needed to finance her dream of pursuing studies in medicine. It is an initiative that is reflective of a disciplined mind. Many of her equally academically accomplished contemporaries tend to opt for an interregnum of simply ‘chilling’ before seriously re-addressing their minds to academia.

Sheridan attributes her ‘excursion’ into entrepreneurship to her in-school tutoring in the discipline of Business Education. Beyond that, she says, she values her mother’s enduring philosophy about ‘earning your own money,’ a recommendation which she says, helped steer her in that direction. Sheridan’s own experience up to this time, has, she believes, positioned her to make recommendations to youngsters seeking to go down the road of entrepreneurship. Here, she underscores the importance of patience, determination and robust management skills. She goes further, recommending risk-taking and, as far as possible, bringing a strong dimension of uniqueness to the product or service being provided.

Her business pursuits, she says, have not been without setbacks and challenges. At such junctures she focuses on finding ways of continuing to be motivated. Additionally, she has been paying close attention to measuring success, not just in terms of return on invest but also from the standpoint of the popularity of her products within the market. When she eventually departs on her mission of studying medicine she plans to hand control over to her mother. Overall, Sheridan’s story is an inspiring one, an example that ought to serve as an inspiration to other young entrepreneurs. Her dedication, perseverance, and willingness to take risks are admirable qualities that will undoubtedly serve her well in the future.

If you have ‘a thing’ for attractive accessories Teen Hustle can be reached at 615-3603