One month after the situation at the Uitvlugt burial ground remains the same

Dear Editor,

It never ceases to amaze me how people fighting to get a job and surrender themselves to laziness after getting it. Some get catapulted into positions that demands extreme responsibility, and for some mysterious reason, their lax attitude causes embarrassment requiring intervention. For instance, there are many who run behind their political party, while campaigning, and as soon as the party wins, they fight to get position/jobs that some are not qualified for, and cannot execute properly. As a result, this flaw causes the higher authorities to intervene and rectify the situation.

Looking at how the president and ministers have to visit areas and make decision, makes me wonder why give position with responsibility to those who cannot handle responsibility. Every day, thousands of people, some are tourists/visitors, traverse around the Parika stelling; on the left side of the stelling there is a huge pileup of garbage.  The NDC and agencies responsible must have seen that sickening sight, and I wonder why they are not cleaning that area and putting systems in place to avoid future buildup. My guess is that they are not seeing anything wrong with that and only the president or minister have to visit there to make the necessary decisions.

Editor, on the 4th of February, I released a video of the escalation between residents and members of the masjid of Uitvlugt over access to the burial ground. After nearly 200.000 views, even attracting the government, Minister Indar visited the area and instructed that gates be erected to allow residents access through. The NDC was tasked with that and the materials was delivered. I was amazed at the size of the posts, and even joked that they were going to build another Harbour bridge, because ordinarily, bridges and gates are not built with 8 x 8 posts and for such a small project, it’s simply amazing. Incredibly, the two gates were erected, and for some unknown reason, only of the fence was removed for access through one gate. The other gate is erected, but that fence remains  .One month after, the situation remains the same.


Sahadeo Bates