It is important persons are aware of the products the hydromet service offers

Dear Editor,

Permit me to sensitize the public via your news spread. As a meteorologist it is important persons are aware of one of the key products that the Hydromet Service of Guyana offers. This product is the seasonal outlook. The seasonal outlook, as the name suggests, gives persons an understanding of what’s to come weather-wise for a period of three months.

Noting the infrastructural and agricultural development it is pertinent that persons access this outlook on the hydromet’s website – While there maybe technical jargon for the man on the street, persons can contact the service to help them better understand the content.

The government is currently taking strides to tackle disasters head-on, hence there is need to better the synergies amongst agencies so that Guyanese doesn’t suffer from socio-economic losses. This product is used globally, but more so in the West African region, where in 2008 it saved that region from major losses. I close by saying that the weather is everyone’s business as it impacts our daily lives. Let us be proactive for the betterment of our nation!


Tanya Mohabir