Afro and Indo Guyanese women will lead the PNCR

Dear Editor, 

An Afro and Indo Guyanese woman will lead the PNCR and its coalition into the next general elections. Guyana, for decades, has been dominated by men in political leadership. We have had our fair share of a male-dominated society that has plunged us into a country of chaos and confusion.

A woman’s touch can heal an ailing nation

Guyana is ailing and women across the ethnic divide will be given the opportunity to begin the healing of a nation. In our worst moments; be it in sickness or trouble, regardless of our gender, we look to the loving and tenderness that come from our mothers. There is a healing balm in the palm of the woman that assuages. Men protect, women nurture. What our nation needs almost immediately is to be nurtured back to healthy governance and prosperity.

History like never before is upon us and our population comprising the majority of women will not only lead but save our powerful and destructive men from themselves while saving Guyana. The two women will be presented to the Guyanese people in the very near future. The revolution will be led by women and it will not be a bloody one. I yearn to feel their touch as they save Guyana and us men in the process.

Sincerely yours, 

Norman Browne 

Social and Political Activist