Region Two must be the best place to open a business

Dear Editor,

Region Two must be the best place to open a business, especially in Anna Regina.

You build your store and take all the government reserve available. You then take the shoulders of the road and the walkway so that pedestrians walk on the main road, something I suppose they enjoy, dodging cars, trucks, pickups and the ever helmetless motorcyclists.

You then build your fences taking more land and build your storerooms going vertical upon the very fences. You then park your vehicles, perhaps ten of them, on the opposite road shoulder so that your customers park on the main road  in front of you.

You sell without issuing full receipts and you employ mainly girls and women whom you pay mini minimum wage and who work twelve-hour shifts. To make your enterprise more exotic you play loud music on and off to entertain your neighbours.

Well, don’t bother with NIS or GRA or Council or RDC or any other set of capital letters. If some people try to ask questions just make a call to Town, the big town, to a big one.

Yours truly,

P. Lall