Where is the president in all this?

Dear Editor,

So, the profitable Marriott is up for sale. VP pronounces. I am hearing the voice of Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo. I thought he was the man in charge of the Oil and Gas and energy sector however now we realise he is in charge of that and it seems everything else. A company made a press release that it obtained 4 billion USD for the construction of an oil refinery in Guyana, in the county of Berbice in the Palmyra area. This would have transformed Berbice and be beneficial to thousands of Berbicians and Guyana. The very next day the VP did a video rejecting this project. Your Excellency, the President, where are you, Sir?  Where is the voice of His Excellency the President, Irfaan Ali in all of this? Mr. President, is it your opinion also that we have to sell because it is risky business.

I know when someone is selling a property, he tries to boost the property, high praises etc. In this case the VP is telling the world it is risky business because there are seven other hotels being constructed. Well, the seventh was not worried that there were six others, plus the Marriott and the Pegasus! The six bidders for the Marriott are not worried. They do not consider it risky, but the VP is trying to convince the Guyanese people that the sale of the Marriott is necessary because it is risky business. The reality is that the Marriott is a beach front hotel, so how many of the seven others can boast of that? Is that not a huge plus?

I read somewhere in the press that we invested 52 million and we would therefore make a profit of 13 million dollars. Now, I am not an economist or accountant, but if it cost 52 M for the physical infrastructure, what would it cost now given the inflationary situation? In addition, were we paying interest on the money?  What about the losses in the past? Now we are making a profit we are going to sell without recouping that loss. Why are we not trying to sell the rights for a casino as we have already taken the leap to introduce gambling and so many bars all over this country have these machines?

Those Guyanese who thinks that Bharrat Jagdeo is a demigod but also calls Janet Jagan the mother of the nation should note that it was Janet who did everything in her power and gave an ultimatum to prepare the way for Jagdeo’s presidency. And it was this same Jagdeo who, when Janet criticized the treatment of Stabroek News, told her that she was an ordinary citizen. Note an ordinary citizen, not mother of the nation and the woman who made him what he is. PPP supporters and especially members should ponder on this. President Ali should take note. So far, his Presidency is overshadowed by the VP.

The VP is all over sharing out money and now selling out valuable profitable property. The Coalition sold our oil at fire price and were condemned by all and quite rightly by Irfaan Ali. Now the Irfaan Ali government is selling out a valuable property. Mr. President, please take hold of your government. Intervene, to stop this sale of the Marriott or history will condemn you as they condemned the Coalition for the giveaway of our oil. Show us that you are indeed the Executive President of Guyana.


Rajendra Nauth Bisessar

BSc Sociology, LLB