Very little in the way of change for prosperity of Guyanese

Dear Editor,

It is unfathomable that a small nation in and out of Guyana numbering less than a million Guyanese continues unabatedly to turn a blind eye to the criminal atrocities that permeates the economic and political landscape of Guyana. Numerous philosophers have confirmed the axiom and human thought that silence in the face and response to evil in an act of evil in itself. Please help me to understand why the inexplicable quantum of fear that limits Guyanese families from responding even at a verbal level of condemnation of what unfolds in Guyana today.

God forbids if an oil spill were to occur, depending on its severity and the strength of wind and sea currents, the country will simply cease to exist in its current state. The dire economic effects and implications will be so catastrophic that our lives will forever be changed and that includes Guyanese who resides outside of its borders. Corruption has engulfed the Guyanese nation in its tentacles, strangling any breath of prosperity that the hapless nation can breathe.

A divided nation simply cannot stand as the ethnic division promulgated by the two political parties seeks to consolidate their deathly grip around the institutions of state. I have spent a great part of my adult life fighting for a just and lawful Guyanese society mostly against the People’s National Congress Reform – PNCR and some of my brothers have been beaten, tortured, imprisoned, and assassinated.

In retrospect, from achieving that objective our efforts have amounted to very little in the way of substantive change for the prosperity of Guyanese of all ethnicities. This statement may appear singularly harsh and insensitive yet history and the events therein have guaranteed the truth that a People always gets the government it deserves.


Kris Kooblall

Toronto, Canada