Take this opportunity to exercise responsible citizenship at the LGE

Dear Editor,

Monday, June 12 is Local Government Election Day and, as all are aware, eligible voters would exercise their constitutional right to cast their ballot for representatives within Guyana’s 10 Municipalities and 70 Neighbourhood Democratic Councils. In Guyana, we enjoy freedom at the voting booth to choose those who serve us in government. It is both a privilege and a duty to participate in the election of our government officials. The next leaders at our local level are chosen by the people and then sworn into office, which is a testimony to our democratic process. The winner may not end up being the candidate of your choice but the decision of the people must be accepted through the election, which guarantees a peaceful and beneficial outcomes in our communities.

It is not the mandate of The Inter Religious Organisation of Guyana (IROG) to tell for whom one should cast their ballot. However, we take this opportunity to urge all to exercise responsible citizenship by making their choice at the poll. It is essential that each educate their self on the issues that are critical to various communities and weigh them against their various traditions in order to make an informed decision. Participation in the electoral process is an obligation of good citizenship and the IROG promotes and encourages all to be good citizens of our beautiful country. Voting on Election Day, June 12 is one way to exercise our roles, who must be concerned about representation in and about public policies which will affect all Guyana.

Dr. Ronald McGarrell
Chairman IROG