Public Works Ministry warns about driving on road shoulders

The Ministry of Public Works yesterday said that it has noted with much concern the irresponsible and criminal manner in which the roads are being used daily.

“Recently, we have had an overwhelming number of reports of drivers using road shoulders, cycle paths and pedestrian walkways as driving lanes, in addition to vehicles damaging guard rails and road signs. These unlawful practices must stop immediately”, the ministry said in a statement.

With respect to driving on the road shoulders, in addition to breaking the law, the ministry said that the practice is very dangerous, as it increases the risk of accidents since it eliminates the opportunity for other vehicles to access the shoulder in the event of an emergency.

These practices also impede pedestrian movements and thus expose them to contact with motor vehicles.

Emergency vehicles could also be impeded.

The Ministry called on the general public to use the road shoulders only in the event of an emergency.