CAFRA Guyana alarmed at this very serious allegation against minister

Dear Editor,

The emerging details of the alleged rape of a sixteen-year-old girl by a Government Minister is an alarming and very serious allegation.  CAFRA (Caribbean Association for Feminist Research and Action) Guyana calls for the Government to act swiftly in this matter and to launch an  independent, transparent and impartial investigation in this matter.  The new allegations of rape which have emerged, are even more alarming and we also call on the Government to provide survivors of sexual violence with immediate access to justice, healthcare and support services, as well as effective and holistic reparations that are proportional to the gravity of the harm suffered.

We are very concerned about the amount of time that has elapsed since the first complainant came forward, and even moreso, that the alleged perpetrator remained in active duty until he decided to request administrative leave.  This situation is unacceptable and sends a wrong message about access to justice for women who are victims of sexual assault in Guyana.

Quite often, women and girls are scared to report cases of sexual assault and we also take this opportunity to encourage all victims of sexual violence to come forward, so that the perpetrators of such horrific crimes can be brought to justice and to face the full extent of the penalty for such crimes.

Finally, as we condemn in the strongest possible terms, all actions of rape against women in Guyana, we would also like to remind our Government that there will be no meaningful progress on the Millennium Development Goals, unless they address the structural human rights issues such as the right to be free from all forms of gender-based violence.

Yours faithfully,
Melita Kellman-Ashford
National Representative
LaToya Williams