Three die after Craig collision

Dead: Annette Williams
Dead: Annette Williams

Police are investigating a fatal accident which occurred at about 9 pm on the Craig public road, East Bank Demerara, which has left three persons dead.


The accident involved motor lorry #GYY 9560, owned by Dexter Bess of Nelson Street Mocha, East Bank Demerara, and driven at the time by Tyrese Bess, a 21-year-old of the said address, and motor car #PPP 3034 owned and driven by Stanley  La Cruise, a 57-year-old resident of Mon Repos pasture, East Coast  Demerara.


The police say that enquiries disclosed that motor car #PPP 3034 was proceeding south along the eastern side of the Craig public road with La Cruise at the wheel and five others in the vehicle (three adults and two children), namely: Eric Christopher Thomas, age 60 years, Annette Williams, age 56 years, and Lynette Chapelle (age unknown) and the two children — ages  7 and 13. All of the occupants of the car are said to be from the Charity Squatting area, Essequibo.


The driver of the car, La Cruise, is alleged to have made a  ‘U-Turn’ from the eastern driving lane onto the western driving lane and, in the process, collided with motor lorry # GYY 9560, which was proceeding north along the western side of the said road.


As a result of the collision, all of the occupants of the car suffered injuries on their bodies. They were all taken to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre along with the driver of the car. They were all seen and examined by a doctor on duty.


Eric Christopher Thomas, Annette Williams, and Lynette Chapel died (the first two at the scene and Chapel whilst receiving treatment). Their bodies were later taken to the  Memorial Gardens Funeral Home for storage, awaiting a post-mortem examination.


The two children (ages 7 and 13) and the driver were treated for minor injuries and sent away.


The police say that the scene was visited by Inspector Ramdas, Sergeant Muhammad and other ranks at about 21:20 hrs statement and measurements were taken. One eyewitness came forward and gave a statement. Both drivers were administered breathalyzer tests, and no trace of alcohol was detected in their system.


The lorry and the car were lodged at the Police station to be examined. Both drivers are presently in Police custody, assisting with the ongoing investigation.

Dead: Eric Christopher Thomas
Dead: Lynette Chappelle