A snub of Trinidad

Dear Editor,

The recent MOU signed by President Ali is a snub of Trinidad’s capabilities. We must remember that we share a deep history and culture with our neighbours in Trinidad and Tobago. They came and offered assistance when our oil sector started, and they have additional capacity at their refinery. It is very unfortunate that our government would prefer to go to the Dominican Republic to build this part of our oil sector.

If we can not appreciate Trinidad and what they bring to the table now, we never will. Tourists that come to Trinidad would also be more inclined to take the short cruise a little further to visit Guyana or hop on a quick flight as part of their package to experience ecotourism in Guyana. To go all the way to the Dominican Republic instead of further developing our relationship and partnership with Trinidad and Tobago is to say to the Caribbean Community that we do not practice what we preach. This recent development is most unfortunate and hypocritical.

With concern,
Jamil Changlee
The Cooperative Republicans of Guyana