Four true tests of strength at the gym

A true test of strength at the gym can vary depending on the individual’s goals and fitness level.

However, some common exercises that are considered to be tests of strength include pull ups, the bench press, squat and deadlift.

These exercises are known to target multiple muscle groups and require a significant amount of energy to perform properly. Additionally, many people use their one-rep max (the heaviest weight they can lift for one repetition) as a measure of strength.


If you can pull up your own body weight against the force of gravity, that is a true test of your upper body strength. It is a combination of grip strength, forearms, lats and back muscles, which help you pull your own body weight. The majority of gym goers struggle to complete 10 consecutive pull ups; no wonder this is a must do for people who go to the gym.

Bench press

Benching is a true test of your upper body pushing strength. It requires explosive power from your pectoral muscles, triceps, deltoids and is a combination of speed and technique.


The deadlift is a true man’s test of pulling strength. It is an old-school irreplaceable movement, which requires progressive overload, consistent training, and the right technique to master the move. Advanced deadlifters dedicate years of training to lift heavy. As with any other exercise, technique and form are very essential to master in the beginning to prevent yourself from lower back injury.


The true test of your lower body strength is undoubtedly the squat. You need to have a solid quad, hamstring and calf muscles to squat heavy. It requires years of training to learn the right technique and form. No wonder it is called the ‘king’ of all exercises.

In conclusion, it is important to note that strength can be evaluated in different ways, such as endurance, power, and flexibility.