Gov’t not doing enough on road carnage

Dear Editor,

I make a simple argument: Government is responsible for these lives lost on the road.

Motorcycles have become the new trendy thing all over the world. Suddenly thousands are dying or getting badly injured. Governments all over the world decided something must be done. They figured out: mandatory for all motorcycle riders and pillion riders to wear helmets; slow down, strict enforcement. Result: Motorcyclist death and injury rate cut by 75%. Now that’s a story of action taken to solve a national problem.

Here in Guyana the road carnage is a national crisis except the government doesn’t think so. Government is focused on Exxon’s next jamboree set for February 2024 at the Marriott. They are focused on an organized push-back against those Guyanese calling for renegotiation of contract. Randy Persaud says: “A contract is a contract”. A former Chamber of Commerce man compares oil contracts with contracts for tomatoes. That’s how silly it gets.

That’s all the government is focused on: Working to help Exxon exploit the nation – cheat the nation on value for their oil resource. Using “sanctity” as an excuse – or go talk to those who signed.

Guyana has no highways, only village roads. It is suicidal to allow motorists to drive at 45+ mph on those roads. Guyana needs to have a speed limit like NYC – 25 mph. And, strict enforcement. Seize the vehicles if they go above 35 mph.

Yours faithfully,

Mike Persaud