Six Amerindian communities receive certificates of title

Six indigenous communities were on Monday awarded certificates of title for their lands, the Department of Public Information (DPI) reported.

Receiving land titles at the National Toshaos Conference were Four Miles, Region One; Capoey, Akawini, Mashabo and Wakapoa in Region Two and Paramakatoi in Region Eight.

The Amerindian Land Titling process is being facilitated by the Amerindian Act of 2006, which led to the establishment of the Amerindian Land Titling (ALT) Project. The project was launched by the PPP/C government in 2013, under a $2.2 billion (US$11M) United Nations Deve-lopment Programme grant. It was extended from 2019 to 2021, and subsequently from 2022 to 2024.

This year’s budget allocated $500 million towards the ALT project.