The people of Gaza are now suffering for their election of Hamas to govern their affairs

Dear Editor,

Hamas lost me as they broke out of the Gaza strip and committed murder, mayhem, and horrific atrocities on Israeli civilians, they lost me because no matter what sympathy I feel for their plight, it does not extend to support of Islamic fundamentalism. The people of Gaza are now suffering for the actions of those who invaded Israel; Israeli retribution is decisive and forcefully overwhelming. Gazans are also suffering for their election of Hamas (a terrorist organization) to govern their affairs. Gazans could have chosen others to chart their future, one that aimed at peace and prosperity; instead they went to the ballot box and chose violence. Gaza receives Billions of USD in aid and support annually, much of it is in goods and services, and cash is diverted into the building of rockets, and the purchase of grenades, rocket launchers, guns, and munitions by the terrorist Hamas.

Gaza has picturesque beaches along its 25 miles of Mediterranean coast, unfortunately, the coast is under Israeli blockade which precludes, yachts and cruise ships, but the beaches could be used to build a tourism industry so lucrative it would support the 2.2M Gazans; for reference, Egypt earned 11.5B USD from its tourism along the same coast. There is another form of Islam, the religion of peace, such as exists in Guyana; it is a choice available to Gazans; for example, hunger strikes could be used instead of rocket launches to bring attention to their cause, peaceful marches led by peaceful people are more impactful than those led by masked gunmen. Choosing to start a war with an army that is thousands of times better equipped, trained, disciplined, and, battle-hardened is a callous act by Hamas, designed to bring hardship to their own people so that Hamas can play victim.

The Gazans chose fundamental fanaticism and its violence and with their path of religious fanaticism that excludes much of the world’s population support, for why would we support the sword that thirsts for our blood or conversion? There is a lesson in all of this but I fear it can only be taught in the only language the Gazans understand; that of brutality and bombs. It is a choice foisted upon Israel and not one they undertake with any joy; there are no street celebrations over the death of Gazans.


Robin Singh