GFF Electoral Committee announces 18 eligible voters for Congress

Marcel Bobb
Marcel Bobb

The Guyana Football Federation (GFF) Electoral Committee officially released the list of eligible voters for the impending elections on December 9th, disclosing that 18 entities will be eligible to exercise their franchise and that Santos, Western Tigers, the Guyana Police Force (GPF), and West Demerara are ineligible.

According to the Electoral Committee via an electronic email, “On the third, having regard to the provisions of the GFF Statutes and the GFF Electoral Code, including Article 15.1 of the GFF Statutes, the Electoral Committee has determined that the following Members are in good standing: Bartica Football Association; Berbice Football Association; East Bank Football Association; East Coast Demerara Football Association; Essequibo/Pomeroon Football Association; Georgetown Football Association (GFA); Upper Demerara Football Association; Rupununi Football Association; Guyana Football Coaches’ Association; Guyana Football Referees’ Council; The Women’s Football Association; Ann’s Grove Football Club; Buxton United Football Club; Den Amstel Football Club; Fruta Conquerors Football Club; Guyana Defence Force Football Club (GDF); Milerock Football Club; and Victoria Kings Football Club.”

Wayne Forde

“Consequently, the following are determined not to be in good standing: 1. West Demerara Football Association; 2. Guyana Police Force Football Club; 3. Western Tigers Football Club; and 4. Santos Football Club,” the Electoral Committee disclosed.

The Electoral Committee further stated, “Please note that Article 15.1(b) provides that the Member must have had an election of its decision-making body at least every four years. As such, although the respective entity rules or constitutions may provide for elections every two years, the GFF Statute would allow a party to be in good standing once their election was held within the previous four years. However, that was not the sole determining factor.”

The three-member Electoral Committee, which also comprises journalist Ivan Wharton and attorney-at-law Shercola Exeter-Sardina and was ratified at the May 2023 Ordinary Congress, did not disclose the other factors that led to the decision of the four entities losing their voting franchise.

Franklin Wilson

Interestingly, three of the ineligible voters, Santos, Western Tigers, and GPF, are members of the Elite League and are currently competing in the KFC League Cup. Similarly, three of the four, Santos, GPF, and West Demerara, have representatives on challenger Franklin Wilson’s list of candidates in the form of Ramesh Persaud [Santos], Althea Scipio [GPF], and Christine Schmidt [West Demerara]. Rather intriguingly, Milerock, who has been relegated from the Elite League since August, is eligible to vote.

Wilson’s slate, which was nominated and seconded by the Guyana Defence Force and the Georgetown Football Association (GFA), respectively, comprises Vernon Burnett [1st Vice President], Persaud [2nd Vice President], and Gregory Wickham [3rd Vice President], with Scipio [Ordinary Member], George Clementson [Ordinary Member], Raul Jerrick [Ordinary Member], Schmidt [Ordinary Member], and Otis James [Ordinary Member] making up the rest of the list.

Wilson, who currently holds the post of Assistant Director of Sport, held the post of acting GFF President from 2011–2012, after incumbent Colin Klass was suspended by FIFA for his involvement in the Mohammed Bin Hammam ‘cash for votes’ scandal in 2011.

Meanwhile, Forde’s list of candidates, which was officially disclosed by the Electoral Committee and features three changes from the 2019 slate, contains Bruce Lovell [1st Vice President], Rawlston Adams [2nd Vice President], Dion Inniss [3rd Vice President], Magzene Stewart [Ordinary Member], Ryan Farias [Ordinary Member], Alden Marslow [Ordinary Member], Andrea Johnson [Ordinary Member], and Denise Lovell [Ordinary Member].

Women’s Football Association boss Johnson, Den Amstel FC chief Lovell, and Bartica Association leader Marslow replace Thandi McAllister, Carmel Williams, and Terrence Mitchell. Johnson also holds the portfolio of 1st Vice President of the Berbice Football Association, while Lovell is the sister-in-law of the incumbent GFF 1st Vice President.