Unhappy with Maritime Department

Dear Editor, 

 Please permit me to highlight some issues affecting speedboat owners and operators throughout this beautiful country of ours. First we are paying for a service from maritime and at a very high cost and we are not satisfied with what we’re facing from maritime. We’re paying $32,500 for boat licences and $24,100 for Captain’s licences yet we have to wait for weeks and some instances months for them to finish it.

Why a little department with so many staff and everything at hand reach is making life so difficult for us? We are forced to visit the office at Kingston 3 to 4 times which is a waste of money, time and energy. We are often told that Mr McDonald is not available or didn’t sign them as yet. Many complaints were made to the director general Stephen Thomas, verbally and in writing but nothing seems to change. There is a set of inept and lackadaisical staff at maritime who I feel are working against what this government stands for, we need competent and qualified staff who are capable and committed to the interest of this government. We are seeking your help to get the attention of those in authority. 

Yours faithfully,

(Name and address supplied)