The NRF is indeed overstated

Dear Editor, 

The Oil & Gas Governance Network (OGGN) Guyana notes that Stabroek News on January 13, 2024 carried a letter by Mr Dhanraj Deonarine with the title “Is the NRF really overstated?” The letter suggests that the claim by Mr. Ram that the Natural Resource Fund (NRF), Guyana’s Sovereign Wealth Fund, is overstated “is not such a big deal for OGGN”. As the CEO of OGGN, I would like to state that Mr. Deonarine is neither a member nor is he associated with OGGN. Hence, he does not speak for us. 

Regarding the question Mr. Deonarine has raised, OGGN has voiced its opinion recently in our letter to Stabroek News dated Jan 1, 2024, for details, see here: For certainty, we wish to make it clear that the overstatement in the NRF is a serious matter involving 274 billion GYD. It is also a matter of accountability, transparency and good governance. Regarding Mr. Deonarine’s question, “Is the NRF really overstated?” Our response is therefore a resounding YES.


Darsh Khusial 

on behalf OGGN