Rekindle acceptance and tolerance

Dear Editor,

Homosexuals or gay men are the most discriminated people in the country of Guyana. It is easy to discriminate when the reason is not religious or racial. This letter is written to ask, as we set goals for 2024, erasing hate should be one goal for 2024, erasing hate should be one of them.  We, the gay community, are human beings just like the straight community and should be treated with the same respect as them. The only thing different about us is we love differently. Our Guyanese brothers and sisters should stop using the word ‘hell’ to govern us emotionally. God did not give no one a list of who is going to heaven or hell. Editor, we are more than our sexual orientation and gender identity.

The motto of our country is One People, One Nation, One Destiny. This should include all not just the straight community.  Our country is a loving and kind country, we teach that every Sunday in church but we should remember actions speak louder than words. Do not say ‘love your neighbour as yourself’ then two minutes later we curse our neighbours because he or she loves differently from us. This is not spiritual or right. I hope that 2024 is a successful year for the Guyanese community. My ultimate wish is that we rekindle acceptance and tolerance this year. Hate should not be served at Guyanese table in 2024.


Javed Lallman