Fit and proper to honour our President with an African award

Dear Editor

The daggers are out. All the reasons given. It must be seen as incomprehensible, given all the claims of racial bias, discrimination and oppression, an African country, an African organization would see it fit and proper to honour our President with an African award!  How could this be? 

This is so vexatious to those seeking to have the award rescinded/withdrawn.  The African country and organization and the award are seen as anti- and a betrayal by that segment of population locally.  The African country and organization doesn’t think so. 

The decision to make the award was bigger and compelling than the aspirant Ghanaian investor here seeking favourable contract consideration. The award would be gracefully and humbly accepted for all the peoples of Guyana. This award will be the impetus and driving force knowing fully well work remains to be done to bring about the elusive unity, prosperity for all and harmony so badly needed in nation building.


Shamshun Mohamed